So, yesterday afternoon, at level 67, I finally healed something other than the free-for-all that is Alterac Valley. I joined a group for the Ring of Blood quest chain in Nagrand, a chain that I've not done on any other characters.
You know what, it was harder than I expected. I think Alterac Valley had left me comlacent - usually a couple of healers throwing heals around, picking up thespikes etc, but being the only healer in a 4 man group was tough going when we got to the last challenge (the guy that rezzes himself). As soon as he rezzed - wallop, the tank went down like a sack of you know what. I tried harder when we got back together after the wipe, and thought I'd done all I could until one of the guys said "First time healing, Ano?". Hmm, thanks mate. To be fair, he was fine about it, and once I realised that the 'bloom' in Lifebloom could be used to your advantage then things got a little easier. Makes me worry a little about healing a 5-man instance though.
On another note, I found a great post over on Aspect of the Hare about tree healing which helped me understand some of the heals that I'm not really using (hello Swiftmend, Nourish etc). Will be good to give those a go at the next opportunity.
Finally, I came across something really odd yesterday in AV - the Horde were actually PVPing. Really strange, no-one new what to do; just goes to show that AV is now more of a PVE race to get XP than anything else. Certainly not complaining though - I went from 58-60 purely through AV, so it's a great tool for levelling quickly, particularly as Alliance seems to win a lot on my server.
This weekend should see me hitting 68; I'll probably spend some time getting a bit closer to 70 before heading off to Northrend, if I can resist the temptation...
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